Geometry Data Entry
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All inputs that appear in this input section are required. User inputs are white, while calculated values are light blue.


Select the crack and component geometry to be simulated. Relevant sections of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and an illustration of the geometry will be shown below this data entry section.

Outside Diameter

Enter the outer diameter. This input will appear only for cylindrical and spherical components.

Inside Diameter

This is a calculated value, using outside diameter and wall thickness. This input will appear only for cylindrical and spherical component geometries.

Wall Thickness

This is a calculated value, which corresponds to the maximum x value entered in the FEA nodal values input.

Thickness/Outside Radius

This is a calculated value, the ratio of wall thickness to outside radius. This input will appear only for cylindrical and spherical components.

Thickness/Inside Radius

This is a calculated value, the ratio of wall thickness to inside radius.This input will appear only for cylindrical and spherical components.

Distance from inside or x=0 surface to the center of the embedded crack

Enter the requested distance value, using the provided illustration for guidance. This input will appear only for an embedded crack.

Crack Location

Radio button, appears for cylindrical and spherical components, where the crack is not embedded. Select whether crack is open to OD or ID surface.

Distance from center of crack to closest free end (W)

Enter the requested distance value, using the provided illustration for guidance. This input will appear only for a plate component geometry.

Initial Crack Half Length

Enter half length of crack, using the provided illustration for guidance. This input will not appear for infinite or 360 deg cracks.

Initial Crack Depth

Enter depth of crack, using the provided illustration for guidance. This input will not appear for through-wall cracks. 

Note that for embedded cracks, half the total crack depth should be entered.