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This module assesses metal loss within the reinforcement zone of a nozzle. The reinforcement zone is defined by the following parameters:

       Lv = max[di, (di/2 + tn + tv)]

       L­no = min[2.5tv, (2.5tn + te)]

       Lni = min[2.5tv, 2.5tn]

Note that all values used in the above equations should be adjusted for existing and future metal loss.

Pressure Location

Select whether the connection is subject to internal or external pressure. If the connection may be subject to both internal and external pressure, then a separate analysis should be performed for each case.

Component Geometry

Select the geometry based on the type and shape of components.

Vessel/header nominal thickness, tv

Enter the original thickness of the vessel or header (i.e. the component that the nozzle or branch connection is attached to).

Vessel/header required thickness, tr

Enter the minimum required thickness of the vessel or header component, independent of the nozzle or branch connection and reinforcement requirements, per the original code of construction.

Vessel/header future corrosion allowance, FCAv

Enter the future corrosion allowance specific to the vessel or header.

Vessel/header nominal inside diameter, D

Enter the original inside diameter of the vessel or header in requested units. This input appears only for cylindrical or conical shells. For conical shells the diameter at the nozzle or branch connection may be used, alternatively the large end diameter will produce a conservative result.

Vessel/header allowable stress, Sv

Enter the allowable stress for the vessel or header material per the original code of construction.

Weld joint efficiency, E1

Enter the weld joint efficiency of any weld in the vessel or header that passes through the reinforcement zone or intersects the nozzle/branch connection. Enter 1.0 if no such weld is present.

Average measured vessel/header thickness within reinforcement zone, tamv

Based on thickness readings, determine the average thickness of the vessel/header within the reinforcement zone (i.e. the distance Lv from the nozzle centerline).

Minimum measured vessel/header thickness within reinforcement zone, tmmv

Based on thickness readings, enter the minimum thickness of the vessel/header within the reinforcement zone (i.e. the distance Lv from the nozzle centerline).

Nozzle attachment type

Select whether the nozzle is set-in (i.e. inserted into the vessel or header) or set-on (i.e. abutted to the vessel or header).

Nozzle nominal thickness, tn

Enter the nominal thickness of the nozzle.

Nozzle required thickness, trn

Enter the minimum required thickness of the nozzle or branch connection independent reinforcement requirements.

Nozzle future corrosion allowance, FCAn

Enter the future corrosion allowance specific to the nozzle or branch connection.

Nozzle outside diameter, do

Enter the outside diameter of the nozzle or branch connection.

Nozzle external projection

Enter the distance that the nozzle neck or branch connection projects externally beyond the outside of the vessel or header shell.

Nozzle fillet weld leg size, wn

Enter the length of the leg of the fillet weld between the nozzle neck and the outside of the vessel or header shell. If a reinforcing pad is present, this will be the fillet weld between the nozzle neck and the reinforcing pad. If weld size is unknown, or to exclude weld metal from reinforcement area calculations, enter 0 for a conservative result.

Nozzle allowable stress, Sn

Enter the allowable stress for the nozzle neck material per the original code of construction.

Average measured nozzle thickness within reinforcement zone, tamn

Based on thickness readings, determine the average thickness of the nozzle within the reinforcement zone (i.e. the distance Lno from the outside of the vessel/header shell and the distance Lni from the inside of the vessel/header shell if an internal projection is present).

Minimum measured nozzle thickness within reinforcement zone, tmmn

Based on thickness readings, enter the minimum thickness of the vessel/header within the reinforcement zone (i.e. the distance Lno from the outside of the vessel/header shell and the distance Lni from the inside of the vessel/header shell if an internal projection is present).

Nozzle has a reinforcing pad

Check this box if the nozzle has a reinforcing pad.

Reinforcing pad thickness, te

Enter the thickness of the reinforcing pad.

Reinforcing pad outside diameter, Dp

Enter the outside diameter of the reinforcing pad.

Reinforcing pad fillet weld leg size, wp

Enter the length of the leg of the fillet weld between the edge of the reinforcing pad and the outside of the vessel or header shell. If weld size is unknown, or to exclude weld metal from reinforcement area calculations, enter 0 for a conservative result.

Reinforcing pad allowable stress, Sp

Enter the allowable stress for the reinforcing pad material per the original code of construction.

Nozzle has an internal projection

Check this box if the nozzle neck projects inside the vessel or header shell to take credit for the internal projection in the reinforcement area calculations. This option is not available for set-on nozzles.

Length of internal projection, h

Enter the distance that the nozzle neck or branch connection projects beyond the inside of the vessel or header shell.

Internal fillet weld leg size, wh

Enter the length of the leg of the fillet weld between the internal projection of the nozzle neck and the inside of the vessel or header shell. If weld size is unknown, or to exclude weld metal from reinforcement area calculations, enter 0 for a conservative result.

Perform weld strength analysis

Check this box to perform the weld strength analysis in addition to the area of reinforcement calculations. Performing this analysis is recommended to confirm the fitness for service of the connection, especially if the welds have experienced metal loss. However, weld sizes must be available to properly perform this analysis.

Nozzle groove weld depth, wng

Enter the depth of the groove weld between the nozzle neck and the vessel or header shell.

Reinforcing pad groove weld depth, wpg

Enter the depth of the groove weld between the nozzle neck and the reinforcing pad.