Data Input
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All inputs that appear in this input section are required.

Circumferential Spacing

Enter the distance between data points in the circumferential direction.

Longitudinal Spacing

Enter the distance between data points in the longitudinal (axial) direction.

Factor for LTA Boundary, F

Enter the LTA boundary factor as a ratio of LTA boundary thickness to trd. The boundary of an LTA is typically defined by where the shell thickness is below trd (F = 1.0).

Anomalous Data Checkbox

Any thickness data points that are not positive values will be flagged by the program as anomalous. Checking this box will replace all anomalous data points with the lowest thickness measurement from the rest of the data prior to proceeding with the analysis. The user should confirm that this is an appropriate assumption. If anomalous data is detected and this option is not selected, then the analysis will be aborted and the user will be notified that the data contains anomalous readings.

CTP Grid Data

Paste the two dimensional grid of thickness measurement data into the text box. Data columns should be tab delimited in the longitudinal direction (from left to right) and of equal length. Data rows should be on individual lines in the circumferential direction (from top to bottom) and of equal length. It is recommended that data be copied from a spreadsheet (e.g. a Microsoft Excel file) and pasted into the data entry box.

All data must be numeric. If unrecognized characters or improper format are present, an error will be generated.


Click to populate the thickness measurement data table, to be used in the assessment, with the data entered in the above text box. Any existing data will be overwritten.

The data will be populated in a grid below and for large datasets a color-coded image will be displayed of the entire dataset (see sample below), with color coding as described in the legend. where:

       tlim = 0.1 in (2.54 mm) [vessel and tanks per Eqn 5.8]

       tlim = 0.05 in (1.3 mm) [piping per Eqn 5.9]

       tc = tnom - LOSS - FCA [per Eqn 5.3]

       trd = tnom - LOSS [per Eqn 5.4]


Click to clear the grid data input field above.


Click to run the evaluation. After calculations are complete, the Results page will display.