Fluid Input
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Select pre-programmed vapor curves (up to 10)

Use the Select Fluid(s) multi-select listbox to select all fluids that are used in the applicable service. The list of fluids and their vapor pressure curve data is stored in the workbook's associated database. The list of selectable fluids is easily customized.

Fluid Name

Enter the user entered Tmin. This field is required if using a user fluid.

User Entered Vapor Pressure Curve 

This feature is included for user entered vapor curve data and will be plotted on the MAT curve. The paste box expects two columns of data. The first column should be pressure values from 0 to design pressure. The second column is the corresponding temperatures. 

It is recommended that data be copied and pasted from a spreadsheet. Alternately it can be entered using a comma delimited  format.

If unrecognized characters or improper format are present, an error will be generated.

Click the paste button to populate the data table with the entered data. Prior loaded data will be overwritten.

Include critical exposure temperature on the MAT curve

Select whether to include the critical exposure temperature(CET) on the MAT curve or not.