Data Entry for User Specified Crack Growth and Threshold Factors
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This data entry area is visible when the Crack Growth Rate Factors source is "User Specified" and when the Tables KD-430 and D-500 in [2] do not contain the Crack Growth Threshold values (Austenitic Stainless Steel), those values will be requested.

The C and m factors are used in the crack growth equation from [2] Article KD-430:

       da/dn = C [f(RK)] ΔKm

Bypass G, H, I values checkbox

The user can bypass the inputs of G, H and I which are used to calculate crack growth thresholds. Alternately, the user entered brackets crack growth threshold input section can be used.

User Specified "C" factor

Enter requested C value for the crack growth equation.

User Specified "m" factor

Enter requested m value for the crack growth equation.

Note that [1], Annex F contains crack growth parameter values

User Specified "G" factor

Enter requested G value used for calculating the crack growth threshold. 

User Specified "H" factor

Enter requested H value used for calculating the crack growth threshold. 

User Specified "I" factor

Enter requested G value used for calculating the crack growth threshold.

User Specified "C2" factor

Enter requested C2 value used for calculating the mean stress correction factor, f(RK)

User Specified "C3" factor

Enter requested C3 value used for calculating the mean stress correction factor, f(RK)

Reference [2] Article KD-4 and Para D-500 describes the use of these parameters.