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If there are any groove-like flaws within the assessment area, use this tab to determine whether they can appropriately be treated as LTAs. If there are no groove-like flaws, or all grooves pass the requirements to be treated as LTAs, press the Next button to proceed to the LTA assessment. Grooves that fail to meet the requirements may be treated as crack-like flaws and evaluated using a Fracture Mechanics assessment instead. API-579 defines a groove as a "local elongated thin spot caused by directional erosion or corrosion; the length of the metal loss is significantly greater than the width." The B31G code does not support assessment of grooves; if grooves are present, API-579 should be selected under Analysis Code on the Vessel Data page.

Groove Identifier

Enter an identifier for the groove. This input is optional and is only used to assist the user in keeping track of any entered grooves.

Groove Radius, gr

Enter the radius at the base of the groove.

Minimum Remaining Thickness, tmin

Enter the lowest remaining wall thickness within the groove determined at the time of assessment.

Add New

Click to add a new groove to the list based on the inputs above.


Click to save updates to a selected groove based on the inputs above.


Click to delete a selected groove.


Click to clear all input fields above.